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South Jersey, New Jersey, United States
South Jersey Portrait Photographer specializing in Kids Pets Events Weddings Headshots Head Shots www.annmarieyoungphoto.com South Jersey Children's Portraits New Jersey Portrait Photographer New Jersey Wedding Photographer New Jersey Pet Photographer


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Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Look Good in Photos~ Annmarie Young Photography

 It's that time of year again. The office holiday parties, the family gatherings, New Year's Eve parties, etc. All prime opportunities for highly unflattering photos that will, let's face it, end up on Facebook and haunt you forever. 

But there is hope! Armed with my photo tips below, I promise you that this holiday season can be one where you say, "Damn, I look good in those photos!"

Tips for Better Photos 

  •  Relax. Have you ever noticed that some of the most photogenic people are not necessarily the most gorgeous? It's because they enjoy getting their photos taken and they know how to project a relaxed presence in front of the camera. Even if you have to fake it, a relaxed face will photograph much better than a tense one.   

  • Pay attention to lighting. Avoid overhead lighting like the plague. This means office lighting, high noon lighting, or bad nightclub lighting. Taking a photo in any of these lighting situations without flash is a sure fire recipe to look ghoulish because your eyes will become hollowed out and your skin will take on whatever cast the lights are giving out (yellow, blue, etc.) The remedy is easy. Make sure the photographer turns on her flash. The flash will fill in the shadows and will correct any hideous blue or yellow tint of bad lighting. 

  • Want to look thinner? Always stand at an angle to the camera. Never, ever, ever stand straight towards the camera unless you are really thin and want to look bigger. Ideally, you want to stand slightly sideways and put your weight on your back foot. This will kick your hip out in front and you will look thinner and curvier. As a final touch, put you hand on your hip to make your arms look thinner and more toned. Don't believe me? Pick up any gossip mag and look at every celebrity on the red carpet. They all do it. In fact, they actually pay people to teach them this. Crazy.

  • Afraid of a double chin? Never let a photographer shoot you below eye level. In fact, if you can swing it, have the photographer stand while you sit. Shooting from above is a universally flattering angle for just about everyone. If your photographer tries to get fancy and crouches down on the ground to shoot you, you have my permission to take his camera and sell it on Ebay. 

  • Want to look like you like the people you are being photographed with when you really don't? Simply tilt your head slightly towards them. The bonus of this technique? If you really do like the people you are being photographed with, it will show in the photos.

  • Clothing Tips: For women, long sleeves are always the way to go in photos unless you are a gym rat or an Olympic athlete. If you do wear short sleeves, just be sure that your arms are not squished next to your body for a photo. Try to putting your hand in your pocket or on your hip.  Turtlenecks will shorten a torso, V-necks will lengthen you. For men and women: Dark colors make you look thinner. Light colors make you look bigger in photos. 

  • Avoid big smiles. This sounds counter intuitive, I know. But smiling really big can make your eyes disappear and can exaggerate a double chin. Even if you are having a blast, take a sec to just dial down the smile when someone snaps your photo.

  • Special Tip for Men: Okay ladies, we all know the type. The adorable men in our life who refuse to smile in photos. This drives me crazy. I'm no expert on men, but I think they think that they look manly if they don't smile. I tell my husband, and yes, even my clients this: If you want to look like a serial killer in photos, then don't smile. If you want to look attractive, warm and open and that you like the people you are standing next to, then try to smile. Please. The women in your life will love you for it, I promise.   :)

Thanks for checking out my tips! If you are in the market for a professional photographer, check out my website at www.annmarieyoungphoto.com , or contact me for a free consultation.

Best Regards,
Annmarie Young

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